It occurred to me today that my blog was getting WAY too serious and probably boring the "bejesus" out of people. So, I decided I would do a "Top Ten" list on some of my favorite subjects...Today's topic?
"Top 10 Reasons Why Being a Beaufort, SC Girl Rocks"
10. The South Carolina State Flag- Our flag is awesome! It doesn't offend anyone or send them into a tizzy. In fact, I think the pride that South Carolinian's have for their flag is unlike any in the US. I have at least 3 pairs of flip flops with the "Palmetto Moon" flag on them not to mention the accessories...I prefer the above pink and green but any color will do, except orange- GO GAMECOCKS!.
9. Frogmore Stew- this is a delicious concoction of shrimp, corn, smoked sausage, and potatoes. It is also known as "Lowcountry Boil." Now, you put this little number out with a bucket of beer and you have yourself one grade A classy get together...especially the part where you pour the stew directly on the table and eat with your hands. Only in SC can you do that and still be a "Flower of the South."
8. Humidity- I know people think that it is hot here in "Hotlanta" but it is a sauna out in Beaufort and the best part is you don't EVER have to pay for a facial...you just step outside and wallah instant steamer...very good for getting those pesky blackheads!
7. Charleston Steve's- although this term has the word "Charleston" in is description it is a universal identifier of a certain type of southern man. A Charleston Steve is someone who wears khaki shorts with a button down shirt (tucked in the front and untucked in the back...kind of like the mullet of the dress shirt world) and one of those belts that have ships, or the SC flag...you get the drift. And they ALWAYS have their sunglasses around their neck attached by a Croakie. They are genuinely nice guys who have an easy going outlook on life not too dissimilar to Matthew McConaughey (call me).
6. Seersucker Suites- There is nothing better than going to church on Sunday mornings in Beaufort, SC at St. Helen's Episcopal Church (yes, I know I am Catholic now but I wasn't then) and seeing the lovely older southern gentlemen in their Seersucker Suites. You just want to sit and have a glass of sweet tea with them. Now I realize for you Yankees out there Seersucker may be a foreign term...but Google it, buy one...you are sure to snag a nice Southern Girl with one of those.
5. Bless Her Heart- now I hope they don't take away my "Southern License" for telling this one but there is something in the way that you can tell someone some unfortunate news about anything ex. their new haircut or new outfit and by simply adding the phrase "bless their heart" on the end it doesn't sound like an insult, it sounds like you have true sympathy for them...FYI, if someone says "Bless Her Pea Pickin' Heart" that is soooooo not good, that is like 10 times more of an insult than a plan old "Bless Her Heart." Try it out...let me know how it goes.
4. Bloody Mary's- no Sunday in Beaufort is complete with out a Bloody Mary at brunch on the porch overlooking the inter-coastal waterway. Some call it beautiful, I call it heaven.
3. Shagging- no not that, get your mind out of the gutter. Shagging, the dance. Although I do not know how to shag (it doesn't work well when you have English parents...ha ha ha) I love the music and the time that the Shag Dance represents when things were slower and simpler.
2. The Beach- sun, fruity drinks...need I say more?
1. Flip Flops-I know you are shocked...I believe that you can wear flip flops year round with any outfit except when it snows (unless you are that good than kudos to you) and with any outfit.