Fast forward twenty something years to the present time and my love for our men and women in uniform is going strong. I am honored to call many Sailors, Soldiers, and Marines friends...you could even say I am a little defensive of them and their job protecting us.
In case you didn't know, our great nation has a volunteer military. What does that mean? That means that it is not mandatory for all men and women to serve for a specified time when they turn 18. This means that when there is a natural disaster and the National Guard is called in to fill sandbags to prevent flooding they VOLUNTEER to serve. That means that when planes are hijacked and plowed into buildings and fields the men and women who respond VOLUNTEER. That means that when politicians, weather Democratic or Republican, sign a bill declaring war those that are deployed are VOLUNTEERS.
What does that mean to you? I am so glad that you asked! That means you don't have to fill sandbags, respond to an attack on our city, or fly half way around the world to fight a war unless you feel called to do so. That means that as long as people volunteer to serve in our military you don't have to do it by law.
Members of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS have been known to protest at the funerals of our brave men and women who have been killed in Iraq/Afghanistan. In Berkeley, CA there is an on going dispute between the residents and the United States Marine Corp recruitment center.
The Westboro Baptist Church protesters have become such a problem protesting at military funerals that the Patriot Guard Riders are often called upon to escort the bodies of our fallen heroes.
The anti-military folks in CA have hit, spat upon, and intimidated not only the men and women who attempt to enlist in the military but those who stand in support of their enlistment.
My point is this: weather you support the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan is inconsequential to supporting our men and women in uniform. Because of them and the sacrifice they and their families make you are able to oppose the wars and verbalize that opposition. Because of them you are not required by law to enlist for a designated time of service. If you feel that the war is unjustified or that the reason we are there are not valid anymore than write to your congressman, the president, march on Washington. But DO NOT attack, verbally or physically, the men and women who make it possible for you to protest without repercussion.
Next time you see a service man/woman or a veteran, shake their hand and thank them for protecting your rights. They didn't have to do it, they volunteered.
Happy 4th of July and God Bless our VOLUNTEER Military!
1 comment:
I agree. I'm not for this war (or the upcoming one with Iran) but I'm glad I don't have to fight it. If these "volunteers" (they do get paid and they did choose this line of work) want to be on the front line, so be it. I can't imagine why anyone would, but as someone who respects the right to choose, I pray for them and appreciate their efforts. I'd appreciate it more if they came back home and ceased fighting an unwinnable war, but that doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon.
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