Friday, April 20, 2012

My Breaking Heart

Here is a recent documentary on the situation in the Nuba Mountains. The last 6 minutes are about Mother of Mercy Hospital where I served...I never worked with Dr. Tom as we went to relieve him, but I did work and live with the 2 sisters that are filmed. 

The only thing that will stop this genocide is international pressure. As you will be able to see from the documentary, the government is not targeting the SPLA (Sudanese People's Liberation Army) but the civilian population. The famine is a man made famine focused on killing the Nuba people because they refuse to accept the customs of the Arabs (note I did not say Muslim as many Nuba are Muslim). 

I wish I could adequately express to you what this does to my heart. When I heard the children singing at "school" my heart leapt for joy but as you will see that is short lived. Upon returning from Sudan, I said that I had left half my heart there...well that half of my heart is being broken. 

The Nuba people just want to be Nuba.

Please, pray for my Sudan!

Documentary on the Nuba Mountains

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